My Blog List

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New home for a beloved blog..

Any of you reaidng my blogs may know that longtime fellow contributor KEVIN LANGLEY has hosted the beloved CARTOONS MODELS SHEETS & STUFF blog but Google kicked it off. Fortunately, that one has been archived as I hope to do with mine, so you can it here at

THe blog has had many videos and studies of the lesser known 1940s-50s theatrical cartoon animators as well as misc.unsung veterans in the business. And vidoes. And Videos. And Videos. And videos. And..well, you get the idea.

Sadly, Google did,too, to the point that they removed Kevin';s vdeo links for coipyright infringment but at the address above, again,, (for conveince sake), you'll be able to return to that blog (and trust me, you WILL be retjunring.
So will a certain orange horse who carried Gumby around and helped him round up some  blockheads who for unknown reasons, had G & J child's blocks for heads to make a kind of pun, before REAL blockheads ruined our adventures in 1987.:))

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Recredited Flinstones

For many years, from 1966-1990 to be exact, generations of rerun wathing kids who never saw "The Flintstones in its original ABC run from
1960-1966 would have seen the credits for the Flintstone episodes from 1960 to 1962 as:
Written by                  Story Director
Starring the voices of
(next scene; credits fade)
  Other voices
Music Direction
and on and on
then the Screen Gems credit at the end of then after the credits.
For many what many children growing up dkidn't realize was that in its original prime time showing
[the audlt one] that NO Rubbles voice creedits appeared, that underneath the main credits just incidental cedits or no credits involved at all!
The now taboo ciggie ads, lack of credits, and such prompeted Screen Gems/Columbia Pictures TV in September 1966 to format the earlier ones [whose successors of course, beginning with the last
:original Oriental font" logo SG/CPTV had been using at the on "Gidget","I Dream of Jenanie etc." with Howie MacNear, Don Messick and opthers then the
new lettering to have the original endings] so that the pre-Pebbles episodes WOULD HAVE the same "gang" credits for each episode.,[BTW the credits used seem to be form one of the Water Buffalo/the boys sneak
out from Betty and Wilma ones]
By the time of Unviersal/Spielberg/Brian Grazer/HB's 1994 runaway block buster on the Stones, someone named T.S>Elliott came out with the FIRST EVER Flintstone
credits book, and as late as December 1994 it was aviable., That is where I saw who was around to do voices that never appeared aafter 1962 on the show, suchas Frank Nelson, Nancy Wible and some other sused later on other HB shows,
and regular like D.essick. The late Earl Kress [1951-2011] was very generous in putting some stock credits showed some of the voices and writers.

Goodbye Lucille Bliss 1916-2012

SOe may recall her as barel decent Smurfette on Smurfs. But to older generaitons, Lucille Bliss did even more significant characters.

Lucille Blss will be one of those who is generally known for only several chaarcters.
If you remember reall far back-
Crusafder Rabbit
Stepsister Anastasia form Disney's "Cinderella"
Later generations may know her from some Disney records or Hanna-Barbera 60s curio "Space Kiddetts".
Still Later (in  a time that I'd rather forget where animaiton is concerned) as Smurfette in the SMurfs O(though I am being hard here...)
Truth is Lucille Bliss (1916-2012) had many characters in cartoon and old time radio. Originally a native of New York City, she then did various radio spots, before perfomring
offbeat live short/industrial film filmmaker Jerry Fairbanks and cartoon nutso Jay Ward's colla boration with TV distrubtor Alex Anderson in the historic pioneering television daytime cartoon "Crusader Rabbit"
as the title character and maybe as additional onrs (the Obscure Vern Loudin did voice for CR's constant compan Ragland(just call him "Rags'!) T. Tiger.)). Then she did a strepsister form Disney's Cindererella )radio sitocm regular Rhoda Williams palyed the other).
(Note-GeGe Pearson, yet another regular for radio, was the "New Crusader" yet Vernon Loudin does Rags..Roy Whaley narrates both series..)
By the 1950s Lucille Bliss could be heard in MGM, Warnersa, Disneym and other theatrical cartoons. She WAS signed to play H-b's Ruff the KItten opposite Daws Butler's Reddy the dog in
the next television snimstion historical step, "The Ruff and ReddyShow", and to revive "Crusader" in neew series of short,s both of these in 1957, but union politics (LB:on 2ndCR:"It was non-union and I was union"") thern Bill Hann and Joe Barbera reluctantly were forced to replace her as apparently t
new show's studio (Creston?TVS) producer, Shull Bonsall had oublicxly signed Lucille EXCLUSIVELY ONLY TO REJECT HER!! Same roller coaster downfall again happened at HB in 1962 with the Jetsons, as Elroy (Daws butler instead replaced her on both occasions.) Sometimes she'd get a small role on the Flintstones (the boy cave scout episode,for one.)
In 1966 she got a HB role in the rather forgettable, though., Space Kiddetts".  She did busy herself on other things I'll get around to at the end of this article.
Thru the 70s, and 80s she landed on the (IMO not for me again) Smurfs show at HB but Riock Reinert studios, a seemingly up and coming studio, did the unsually rather enjoyable Captain O.G.Readmore series (Will Ryan as OG, Alan Dinehart and Hal Smith, and <ucille Bliss as the girl cat, on the ABC book reading series.)
See Yowp, Luculle Bliss, in the Google, Internet Movie Database, Lucille Bliss, for any sordid details that befell her more..
Now here are obscure roles Lucille did, one time appearances:
"Cinderella" - Walt Disney-as Anastasia.Stepsister
"Tom and Jerry"-Little Nibbles (ou cna see where Hanna and Barbera got their own Pixie and Dixie, an HB ransition to TV thing like the little uck and Spike and Tyke..)
"A Waggily Tale"-a Warner Bros.cartoons where a Jerry Lewis sounding tween abuses his dog and has a nightmare where HE is one (Daws Butler was the kid.You've heard that voice most notably in one of Hanna-Barbera's
"Goofy Guards, Yippie, Yappy, and Yahooey", and in Jay Ward's "QUisp": ads as the little alien himself.) A litle girl buys the boy-turned dog.(Lucille's the little girl.)
"Thumper's Race", Disney record, Luclle narrates and does all of the voices (confirmaiton form Greg Ehrbahr and Tim Hollis, "Mouse Tracks'<2005).

"101 Dalmations"-On the "Kanine Krunchies" ad.:)
"Flinstones:"-One of the Boy Scouts ones has Lucille.
"Robots", a 2005 flick from BlueSky ("the Rio" and "Ice Age" franchise folks) and Twenty-Century Fox in a minor role.
"Courgae the COwardly Dog"-I believe she did a few there.
So,in conclusion, regardless opf which chaacter you love her for (and I met her in person),RIP Lucille, Crusader/Smurfette/cruel Stepsiter/OG Readmore supporting character/Space Kiddette/etc.