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Friday, November 18, 2011

In Gindlemann's Hi-Q cues aliases, and code names

During the 1960s, when the former John Seely, now Ole Georg [sic] Capitol Produciton Music aka Media Music service was
being reorganized, a younger composer, Ib Glindemann, was retsained, after composing music since the middle 1950s used in
many older Hi-Q library era shows [and in the later era in "The Night of the Living Dead" [evil laugh]. Some of these were used on
low-low budget cartoons and in stop motion shows of producer-creator-director-writer-voice Art Clokey, in both Gumby and Davey and Goliath.

Like many, he used pseudonyms, such as Dan Kirsten, Robert Ascot, and a few others [if I may]. The compositions had many composers's cues letter-numeral
codes [not just there but at other libraries, and often "bland names", LOL]. Various letter-number codes for different monickers,too.

This is a recap of what has been written before [others like SpeedyBoris and Yowp have written of this on their own blogs..]

Ib Glinemann himself had these.
CM=Robert Ascot
GM=Ib Glindemann
VM=Dan Kirsten
All of them were, again, the same person, with Ib Glindemann being the real name.

For Clokey episodes, I heard for Davey and Goliath's 1971 episode "Finders Keepers", GM ? "Vacation Time", while Gumby seems to use three,
again all written under the [real] Ib Glindemann name:
GM 592-"Western Saloon"-heard in "Gold Rush Gumby" @both the title card and the end
GM-598-"Yankee Doodle"-heard at the end of "A Bone For Nopey"
GM-??   "Travel Spain" interlaced with other cues in "El Toro".
All of them "Prickle and Goo" era 1967-69 Gumby shorts.

The Night of the Dead at the time used Glindemann" cues from the 50s while "Ren and Stimpy" in the 1990s seems to use Glindemann cues under all three names [Ib Glindemann [GM], Dan Kirsten [VM], and Bob Ascot [CM]].

There were other pseudonyms for Ib, as "Neil Amsterdam", but I don't seem to remember the codes for those.

A handful of other and earlier composers and codes:
Ole Georg's own code I have no memory of

Earlier counterpart (1) John Seely was TC, always teamed with
(2) Bill Loose-C, himself in turn also in the later 50s, teamed with (3) Emil Cadkin [JB], this latter-named himself
teamed with  (4) Harry Bluestone [CB],[also for his own solo works] --- or with (2), with (5) Jack Cookerly [OK/PMS] or with (6) Phil Green, who
was usuaally a solo composer for his own EMI Photoplay [PG] or [EM], but who with (2)&(3) was PH or also
wrote with (7)Geoff Love & (8)Ken Thorne as PE.

Spencer Moore, aka "L"
George Hormel, aka "ZR"
As an example recap above.

There were many Sam Fox [SF] composers as well as Ed Lund's Tahiatian music and the various works for Jack Shaindlin.

Back to Ib Glindemann, as gathered from the first paragraph he was a transition from the Seely-Loose-Cookerly to the Georg/Neilsen era of Capitol.

As a result of both his staying later and also his work with Sam Fox as well, resulting in Carlin Library, Ib Glindemann's music has been more licensable and avialable now than some of the other Capitol composers .

The whole searches from screen titles to label-credited, if you will, composers, to the ghostwriters, to all of these "fake names", and such can leave me regardless and others seeming like we're being confusing on credits just for the fun of it. Not that historians on entertainment and such HAVEN'T put "false" info..the Record Research books being examples of that..

The Capitol Ib GLindemann cues, at least 64 and onward, are currently being still owned by OGM music itself while Carlin has the Sam Fox ones.:)

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