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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Happy New Year and now introducing TTV's new dog star

Happy New Year..for waiting for so long, belated present, and first in a regular feature on 60s TV/theatrical (code for "evenutally to turn up on some TV slot") short lived and one shot pilot..

From the producers of UNDERDOG! The executive Producers with TV Spots of THE HUNTER!

We bring you...

Cauliflower Cabby, alias the Champ, is a dog voiced by Ben Stone (incorrectly listed as Arnold Stang on a YouTube channell, sounds a bit like him, but it ain't, maybe it's based a bit on him) who may seem like a mild-mannered New York City taxi driver pupper..but just watch and he'll become an amazing hero (not "The Hunter", whcih did costar Ben Stone alongside Kenny Delmar, nor even "Underdog", nor even frog-A FROG@"), and take his fine cab to save the day whne trouble brews. (They don't have great guys, or taxis like this..)

 A trio of NYC bank robbers, having, a la Hanna-Barbera's later HAIR BEAR BUNCH's invisible motorbike, an invisible car, and kidnap sweet reporter (Sweet Polly, or outside Total Television canon, Lois Lane), Pinky Knees  (love the design and nod to Pinky Lee of 50s kids TV), and make off.

The crooks have inivisible paint that renders their vehicl;e plukm invisible

Cauliflower Cabby, a typical superhero with reporter-love-interest who wishes he;d be like his HEROIC self, is the typical kind ALSO to turn his back just when there is something nasty really
brewing, and this happens when our villians in their long, invisible, ":car", kidnap Pinky Knees into their car, now NO one to be seen, not even Pinky Knees, as a now worried C.C.gets into the cab to try to follow the noise. The car then goes under a leak and the invisible paint partly wears off, and then Cabby does the rest himself..and spoilks the plan!

Another for year,s at least, oft-seen "one shot" (along with their "Gene Hattree") that made it onto gives what I've always wished for, Stang as a pooch as YouTube notes. But my new Kindle copy of Mark Arnold's fine CREATED & PRODUCED BY TTV mentions Ben Stern Stone as the voice of the doggo .. Ben (Howard's dad) is The Hunter's old prey the Fox and nephew Horrors.

Pretty good, with startled expressions on Cauliflower Cabby/The Champ's face as he sees the three crooks and Pinky Knees, bitch-napped by them, carried away in their invisible getsaway limosinbe!

Fun theme by Stover, Covington,. Harris & Biggers.