Produced & Directed by:
Produced & Directed by:
PAT SULLIVAN (son of Felix co-creator PAT SR.)
Voices (Narrator, Felix, Rockbottom, Prof.,etc.)/JACK MERCER
Voices (Narrator, Felix, Rockbottom, Prof.,etc.)/JACK MERCER
froim the following Famous cartoons..
Open from ONE FUNNY KNIGHT (1957)
Felix first appearance..HEIR RESTORER (also 57)
The Professor and Rock Bottom in their cloud//.DANTE DREAMER (1958)
Prospector panning for gold......ONE FUNNY KNIGHT/DANTE DREAMER
Felix stopping them in the name of the (Western town) Law..ONE FUNNY KNIGHT
The two in their "gas cloud", shooting up Felix, DANTE DREAMER
Rockbottom Shooting Felix's holster and gun away..SPOOK NO EVIL (1952)
SHerriff's department mourning Felix..unknown
Ed Wynn-like Vulture swooping down..THE CASE OF THE COCKEYED CANARY (1952)
Buzzard unties Felix..More from SPOOK NO EVIL (1953)
Professor/Rock continuing into an Indian village..FINE FEATHERED FRIEND (1960)
Indians being robbed in each teepee/Indian hunting buffalo, stripped of clothes by the thieves, says
"I've BEEN Buffalo'd",unknwon
Professor and Rock in ckoud.DANTE DREAMER/MR.MONEYGAGS (1957)
Felix, at "rock block", getting shot in the arrow by Rock, and landing on his head, unknown
Crooks in ckoud, going into fake "bank", into jail. Felix the Cat theme
This first review of a T-L Felix episode is of a later 1959 one, the first I;m doing of all of them...this series helped to really make Felix even more well known in mid-20th century..
In a nioce quitet Western town one day, as the opening music from Herman and Katnip's "One Funny Kngihty"('57) plays, a nice quiet piece, we see the residents, and (Sheriff) Felix notes the pictures of the usual crooks The Professor & Rock Bottom Bulldog, noting, "they wouldn't commit ANY crimes here----not while I'M sheriff'(anyway).Nearby in the (always present) lab, the Professor has just completed a gas that can cloud (hench the title) him and the canine Rock Bottom whilst they steal banks. He has it in a little squeeze conainted, expels it from the container with a little bulb, and a whole cloud of gas now covers the inept would-be crooks. They then go out and rob banks, going into places (banker:"'ve been robbed'), the wool off of sheep (!!!! Sheep:?Baa Baa), even go through a stream where a prospector's just panned for gold (imaginative boy-imaginaes himself as dragon"Dante Dreamer"wacky chase theme and "One Funny Knight" Herman-the-mouse working at the black smith shop cues altenating nicely here) ("Ive been ROBBED!") then the news breaks over radio that the crooks are therek so Sherrif Felix faces them with the standard "Stick 'em up", but gets chased by his usual adversaries, challenged to a wacky shoot-em up, then pulled into the cloud, the nthe Prfoessor takes out a giant m,agnet to rob the cat of his belt, then put for dead as part one ends.
The "Wat'll happen to Felix in the next exciting.." announcement, and cheerful theme again sung, we find the town mourning Felix, (as a narrator dsays, "While others ran and hid"..little Felix, then the camera pans to a Felix picture)find Felix being eyed for the course by a buzzard who swoops around and around and makes a beeline down for Felix, then says in the voices of the legendary Ed Wynn (Could this actually be him??) (of "Mary Poppins" fame in the fantasy 1960s arends as Felix),"Pardon me, buddy, but do you happen to know the way to Alberqueque", whilst untying Felix (I wonder iof Burt Bacharach and Hal David saw this and thought up their San Jose song for Dionne Warwaick later based on this).
Feoix then resumes the chase while the crooks go into an Indian village (leaving one teepee with an Indian in the bathtub, gambling while talking on the telephone, saying, :yes, buffalo, mine, poker", and revealing another Indian outside to be naked, with no longer a bow and arrow (he says:"Me shoot buffalo", then The Professor and Rock pass by,in their gas cloud,rob himn and"..Indian:"Me BEEN Buffalo'd..).
Felix puts a Roadblock up, but Rock simply shoots Fleix in the air with an arrrow,where the brave cat says:
"When law and order is strapped/
The culprits MUST BE TRAPPED".(his emphasis, not mine)
We then close with Prof.and Rock in their cloud as the loot is showing, as te dog notices, and the evil scinetists complies. They then try to rob yet another bank which only turns out be one of Felix's traps, a movie like facade (like the kind you see at Universal Studioos tour) of a bank, with the standard jail bars behind. THey take the bait.
"Look, professor, Felix is in JAIL!!" the bulldog exclaimed elatedly.
"NO, STUPID", says the scientist,"WE'RE IUN jail.
Stock shot of Felix and his trademark laugh, then Felix saying catchline "Righty-O" as music from Baby Huey's "HUEY'S FATHER'S DAY"('59) plays.
A gag often used, but not enough, of a cloud stealing something..this features some tty gags (the "Ed Wynn" buzzard, asking for ways to Bugs Bunny's favorite place), the "buffalo'd" jokes, and usie of cues from Casper shorts "Heir Conditioned' and "Spook No Evil", the UPA like one shot "Dante Dteamer', Little Audrey's cloak and dagger "Case of the Cockeyted Canary", Herman and Katnip's "One funny Knight", and Tommy Turtle and Moe Hare"s "Mr.Moneygags (their, and "Dante"'s chase cues, are similiar, the "Dreamer" one is a favorite, certainly of the producers that went on for over a minute.) All from "Win" Sharrples. Mercer imitating Ed Wynn as the goofy, dim witted buzzard and narrating over the part 2, over the helpless scene of the sdherrif cat, also a standout along with the usual characters.
Felix first appearance..HEIR RESTORER (also 57)
The Professor and Rock Bottom in their cloud//.DANTE DREAMER (1958)
Prospector panning for gold......ONE FUNNY KNIGHT/DANTE DREAMER
Felix stopping them in the name of the (Western town) Law..ONE FUNNY KNIGHT
The two in their "gas cloud", shooting up Felix, DANTE DREAMER
Rockbottom Shooting Felix's holster and gun away..SPOOK NO EVIL (1952)
SHerriff's department mourning Felix..unknown
Ed Wynn-like Vulture swooping down..THE CASE OF THE COCKEYED CANARY (1952)
Buzzard unties Felix..More from SPOOK NO EVIL (1953)
Professor/Rock continuing into an Indian village..FINE FEATHERED FRIEND (1960)
Indians being robbed in each teepee/Indian hunting buffalo, stripped of clothes by the thieves, says
"I've BEEN Buffalo'd",unknwon
Professor and Rock in ckoud.DANTE DREAMER/MR.MONEYGAGS (1957)
Felix, at "rock block", getting shot in the arrow by Rock, and landing on his head, unknown
Crooks in ckoud, going into fake "bank", into jail. Felix the Cat theme
This first review of a T-L Felix episode is of a later 1959 one, the first I;m doing of all of them...this series helped to really make Felix even more well known in mid-20th century..
In a nioce quitet Western town one day, as the opening music from Herman and Katnip's "One Funny Kngihty"('57) plays, a nice quiet piece, we see the residents, and (Sheriff) Felix notes the pictures of the usual crooks The Professor & Rock Bottom Bulldog, noting, "they wouldn't commit ANY crimes here----not while I'M sheriff'(anyway).Nearby in the (always present) lab, the Professor has just completed a gas that can cloud (hench the title) him and the canine Rock Bottom whilst they steal banks. He has it in a little squeeze conainted, expels it from the container with a little bulb, and a whole cloud of gas now covers the inept would-be crooks. They then go out and rob banks, going into places (banker:"'ve been robbed'), the wool off of sheep (!!!! Sheep:?Baa Baa), even go through a stream where a prospector's just panned for gold (imaginative boy-imaginaes himself as dragon"Dante Dreamer"wacky chase theme and "One Funny Knight" Herman-the-mouse working at the black smith shop cues altenating nicely here) ("Ive been ROBBED!") then the news breaks over radio that the crooks are therek so Sherrif Felix faces them with the standard "Stick 'em up", but gets chased by his usual adversaries, challenged to a wacky shoot-em up, then pulled into the cloud, the nthe Prfoessor takes out a giant m,agnet to rob the cat of his belt, then put for dead as part one ends.
The "Wat'll happen to Felix in the next exciting.." announcement, and cheerful theme again sung, we find the town mourning Felix, (as a narrator dsays, "While others ran and hid"..little Felix, then the camera pans to a Felix picture)find Felix being eyed for the course by a buzzard who swoops around and around and makes a beeline down for Felix, then says in the voices of the legendary Ed Wynn (Could this actually be him??) (of "Mary Poppins" fame in the fantasy 1960s arends as Felix),"Pardon me, buddy, but do you happen to know the way to Alberqueque", whilst untying Felix (I wonder iof Burt Bacharach and Hal David saw this and thought up their San Jose song for Dionne Warwaick later based on this).
Feoix then resumes the chase while the crooks go into an Indian village (leaving one teepee with an Indian in the bathtub, gambling while talking on the telephone, saying, :yes, buffalo, mine, poker", and revealing another Indian outside to be naked, with no longer a bow and arrow (he says:"Me shoot buffalo", then The Professor and Rock pass by,in their gas cloud,rob himn and"..Indian:"Me BEEN Buffalo'd..).
Felix puts a Roadblock up, but Rock simply shoots Fleix in the air with an arrrow,where the brave cat says:
"When law and order is strapped/
The culprits MUST BE TRAPPED".(his emphasis, not mine)
We then close with Prof.and Rock in their cloud as the loot is showing, as te dog notices, and the evil scinetists complies. They then try to rob yet another bank which only turns out be one of Felix's traps, a movie like facade (like the kind you see at Universal Studioos tour) of a bank, with the standard jail bars behind. THey take the bait.
"Look, professor, Felix is in JAIL!!" the bulldog exclaimed elatedly.
"NO, STUPID", says the scientist,"WE'RE IUN jail.
Stock shot of Felix and his trademark laugh, then Felix saying catchline "Righty-O" as music from Baby Huey's "HUEY'S FATHER'S DAY"('59) plays.
A gag often used, but not enough, of a cloud stealing something..this features some tty gags (the "Ed Wynn" buzzard, asking for ways to Bugs Bunny's favorite place), the "buffalo'd" jokes, and usie of cues from Casper shorts "Heir Conditioned' and "Spook No Evil", the UPA like one shot "Dante Dteamer', Little Audrey's cloak and dagger "Case of the Cockeyted Canary", Herman and Katnip's "One funny Knight", and Tommy Turtle and Moe Hare"s "Mr.Moneygags (their, and "Dante"'s chase cues, are similiar, the "Dreamer" one is a favorite, certainly of the producers that went on for over a minute.) All from "Win" Sharrples. Mercer imitating Ed Wynn as the goofy, dim witted buzzard and narrating over the part 2, over the helpless scene of the sdherrif cat, also a standout along with the usual characters.