He gave us a Hulk. He gave us four fantastic creatures.
He gave us an American Captain. He gave us Guardians of the Galaxy more recently.
AND her gave us Spiderman.
Stan Lee, 95, has left for the great beyond, the great Comics beyond.
Lee, with folks like Steve Ditko and others, created additions to the world of comics, epsicially superhero ones, that DC did in 1939 and so with Bob Kane, Bill Figner, Shusteretc.(SUPRMAN, BATMAN,etc.etc.etc.etc.)
Lee started around the 30s-40s but by the 50s-60s especially became part of our culture with his own (and other creators's in cases) stuff like SPiderman, Hulk, and others like those mentionede. More recently the funny Guardians of the Galaxty. He may have died, but he's with us..and he was 95..very wonderful age to live.
Lee's putting him made him yet another target of, ahame, the "who created that, no I did, HE did" issues that affect every type of entertainment....and otheraspects of life.
(When SPDIERMAN '67 appeared in animation, themid-Orange County Fashion isle shoping center opened, and there are multiple contractors like Welton Becket, and THE legend, Vic Gruen,etc.). Of course, the Mel Blanc as "only voices", Seely-Looose' with background music, on other peoples carotons. We won't get ninto non-Marvel stuff here.
One thing of coruse, the aforementioned nineteen sixties cartoons, esp SPIDERMAN.. Ray Ellis, who died some years back, if remembered for anything, hasd been rememebred in cartoons the Filmation stuff, but it's actually the 1967-1970 Spiderman cartoons, with its fun theme with PAUL FRANCIS WEBSTER...1955's Oscar winner :"LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING (from the romance of the same name.) This helped, certainly, making Spiderman known to later crows (and featured some of the Rudolph cast from R/B).
Stan lee also loved doing Hitchcock like cameoes in hisd films, well known cameos and THESE always bring laugghter any time I see this..they'll say.."oh, it's stan Lee."LOL
RIP my good Siperman, Hulk..